The Ultimate Guide to FSA/HSA Spending Accounts

At Mighty Well, our goal is to make our products accessible to our community. That is why we accept Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars to purchase Mighty Well products! For those who have FSA/HSA benefits, you use it just as you would a credit card at checkout. If you’d rather use your regular credit card, you can email us for an itemized receipt to file a claim. Check with your family’s primary insurance holder to see if you have this benefit.

It is important to note that your insurance plan/provider determines reimbursements. While most Mighty Well products are eligible, your insurance provider has the final say in whether or not you will be reimbursed. Mighty Well does not have control over what insurance providers deem as eligible for reimbursement.

Below is a simple-to-understand guide on how to use FSA/ HSA funds before the end of the year:

You can save a lot of money on healthcare by using FSAs and HSAs accounts. Many people often need help knowing when and how to use these accounts once they’ve set them up. The good news is they can be used for a variety of out-of-pocket healthcare costs, such as:

Since it’s the end of the year, here’s a small reminder of what FSAs/HSAs are, who’s eligible, and how they help you save money.

HSA vs. FSA: What’s the difference?

HSA: Healthcare Savings Accounts

  • This is a tax-advantaged account to be used only for healthcare expenses
  • It can be rolled over in its entirety from year to year. Applicants must have a high-deductible health plan that covers at least $1,400 for individuals and $2,800 for families
  •  Enrollment in an HSA is done via an employer or private insurance
  • You can contribute to a health savings account with pre-tax dollars, which reduces your taxable income

FSA: Flexible Spending Accounts 

  • Similar to HSA, but less flexible
  • This is only offered as an employee benefit, and it doesn’t come with you when you change jobs 
  • The IRS has set a $3,650 maximum contribution to an individual FSA and a $7,300 maximum contribution to a family HSA for 2022
  • This is the more common type of account
  • Younger, healthier people tend to be more conservative about their FSA allotment than people with chronic conditions that require ongoing treatment

Do I Lose my FSAs Dollars At the End of Each Year?

Unfortunately, Yes. Different from HSAs, unused balances in FSA accounts don’t usually roll over into the following year. You will forfeit any unused funds unless offered a grace period or your employer’s FSA plan explicitly allows a rollover. Just know the IRS limits this rollover to $570. For this reason, it is essential to consider how you contribute to an FSA based on your estimated medical expenses.

What does an FSA/HSA cover exactly? 

There are subtle differences between individual plans for each FSA and HSA account. Frequent uses of the account are out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses, including deductibles, copays, and prescription medication. They also cover any number of OTC medicines, devices, and products, including several products from Mighty Well. Insurance premiums are not covered by FSA/HSA accounts.

Use your FSA or HSA card to take advantage of your benefits!

Living with illness and disability can be isolating. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be. Sign up below to be in the know on our latest product and content releases, exclusive offers, and community events.

The post The Ultimate Guide to FSA/HSA Spending Accounts appeared first on Mighty Well.

Resource Guide to Conquer Life With a Feeding Tube

New to the world of feeding tubes? Looking for some feeding tube resources? Here are our favorites to get you going:

Understanding the types

Before needing a feeding tube, you may not have known that there are several different types! Each one is used for different purposes. To understand the different names, here’s what you need to know:

The first part of your tube’s name refers to where the tube enters your body. Naso means it enters through the nose, oro means it enters through the mouth, and percutaneous means through the skin. Percutaneous endoscopic tubes require surgery to put a hole through the skin in the abdomen and are placed using an endoscopy, or a camera inserted through a tube in the esophagus. Naso and oro tubes do not require surgery.

The second part of the name refers to where the tube empties into – gastro into the stomach, jejunal into the small intestine, and gastro-jejunal into both.

Since these names can be a mouthful, most people go by their acronyms, such as G-Tubes and J-Tubes, PEG or NG, PEG-J, etc.

If you want a closer look at the different types of tubes, their uses, and how to choose what’s right for you, this blog breaks down each one in detail.

Support, advocacy, and information

Support for any chronic condition or medical device is crucial for your well-being! It’s important to nurture the relationships you already have in place and communicate well so that those in your life understand your condition and can be supportive. Letting them know, for example, how you feel about them eating around you and how your feeds work can help relieve tension during social visits. It is also helpful, though, to find a community of others who already understand. Tubie support groups can be great for making friends who don’t require food to socialize, can empathize when things feel tough, and have plenty of tips to make your experience easier! You can find groups on Facebook and other forums by searching for what you are hoping for, such as this group for adults with feeding tubes.  

Tubie tip: pay attention to whether groups are private, monitored by admins, and have group rules that you jive with. You want a group that is respectful of privacy, helpful, supportive, and positive. Learn more on support groups here.

Advocacy organizations, such as the Oley Foundation and Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation, can help you find in-person support groups and are chock-full of other resources such as patient information, ways to advocate and further research, and tried-and-true solutions to challenges you may encounter.

Kate Farms also offers patient advocates for free! These can support you in talking to medical providers, home health caregivers, medical suppliers, and insurance providers.

Essential feeding tube products 

Because so many people live with feeding tubes, helpful products are plentiful! The critical ones are:

  • Feeds
  • Pumps
  • Carrying Bags

Don’t be afraid to try out different types of feeds to figure out what your body best tolerates. You can call the hospital ahead of time to find out what they have available, and some companies (like Kate Farms) can send you free samples. Your hospital will supply you with a pump, but if it doesn’t work for you (too heavy, for example), don’t be afraid to ask for other options. Perhaps the most important piece of equipment is your bag – a good feed bag can hold all your supplies, keep things contained and organized, and allow you the freedom to get nutrition on the go. Finding one that isn’t too bulky and fits your style will also help you feel your best self!

Tubie tip: If you are thinking of something that would make your tube life better, probably someone else has already created it! Sites like Etsy and Pinterest have tons of DIY ideas and patient-made products available for feeding tubes.

For our full list of products (and where to find them), check out our gear guide here.

Avoiding feeding tube complications

Feeding tubes can be lifesavers, but they can also come with complications. Tubes can get clogged, pulled or dislodged, irritated, and infected. To avoid these complications, it is important to keep your tube secure and the stoma (for percutaneous tubes) clean and dry. Use clips and belts to keep everything in place. Wash your hands before touching, wash the stoma, and keep it dry and open to the air. The Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation has a wonderful “troubleshooting” section (here) for these and other complications that may come up.

Click here for our full blog on care and complications.

Some examples of self love through the tube feeding experience
Practicing self-love is always important!

Self-love with a feeding tube

Finally, it’s important to nurture your sense of self and find self-compassion! Feeding tubes alter how we look, how we eat, and how we interact with others. But over time these changes should be positive – restoring the health, strength, and confidence you need to live your life to its fullest. In the meantime, be kind to yourself as your body adjusts. This could mean practicing a gratitude journal – writing down a few things each day that you are grateful for. This also means still socializing and getting out of the house (check out on-the-go tips here). Wearing clothes that feel like you, in addition to being practical, can help. Zip-up or swing-style shirts are a good option here, and some clothing companies now offer tube-friendly clothes (and even Halloween costumes)! Find ways to shift how you view your scars and the parts of your tube that are visible. Cute products can help, as well as following people on social media who are proud of their tubes. And, as always, surround yourself with people (loved ones and support groups) who will show enough love to remind you to love yourself!

Other resources

Living with illness and disability can be isolating. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be. Sign up below to be in the know on our latest product and content releases, exclusive offers, and community events.

The post Resource Guide to Conquer Life With a Feeding Tube appeared first on Mighty Well.

5 Gift Ideas for Your Friends With Chronic Illness

With the holidays right around the corner, you may be wondering what gifts to get for your friends with chronic illness.  We’ve put together our annual gift guide to help you out!

1. clutter-free 

In this second year of spending too much time at home, many people have realized just how cluttered their spaces are!  Receiving a pile of gifts brings connection and warmth to these cold winter months, but can also bring a sense of overwhelm for the givers and clutter for receivers.  If this resonates with you and your loved ones, consider a used gift swap!  Each of you go through your belongings and determine what is no longer bringing you joy.  Trash what isn’t useful anymore, and then bring what’s left to the swap!  Each of you gets to keep whatever you want from the discarded items, and then donate the rest.  You may be surprised at the number of things you have that are still in good enough condition to bring someone else joy, even though you have lost interest.  Through this process, all of you are decluttering and therefore bringing yourselves more peace of mind, gifting items, and donating to others.  What a beautiful way to celebrate what the holidays represent!

If you have trouble letting go of things, you could check out Marie Kondos practice of acknowledging the meaning your things have had before releasing them.

2. disability pride

Ever since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in July of 1990, the disability community has celebrated its value, diversity, and activism in the month of July.  This July, Disability Pride Month received a lot of attention.  Thousands of people got outside for events or celebrated virtually, posting on social media about their experience with disability.  This uptick in participation and visibility was largely due to the impact COVID-19 has had on people with disabilities.  If you know someone who celebrated Disability Pride Month, consider getting them a gift that shows you understand that disability and chronic illness do not need to be sources of shame.  You could get stickers, pins, and patches to spruce up a mobility device.  Adaptive clothing, or clothes and accessories with empowering slogans written about disability or chronic illness can be another meaningful choice.  Try to think as well about your loved one’s specific needs, and find a gift that would make their experience easier.  For example, heating pads and massage oil for someone with chronic pain, or compression socks for someone with POTS, swelling, or long COVID.  Nothing makes us feel quite so seen and cared for as a gift showing you understand our specific body’s needs!

Learn more about Disability Pride Month here.

3. immunocompromised friends

Your friends with compromised immune systems may be having a tough season.  Determining how to celebrate the holidays without putting health and safety at risk is stressful for anyone, but when you are especially vulnerable and don’t feel safe participating the way everyone around you is celebrating, it is extra isolating.  Perhaps the best gift you could give in this case would be a beautiful day of connection in a way that feels safe for them.  You could also buy them a beautiful (and comfortable!) mask, air purifier, nice-smelling hand sanitizer, or other items to help make safety more enjoyable.

Check out the Mighty Well Mask here.

4. cozy comforts

Winter is the time to get cozy, no matter who you are.  For those of us with sick or pained bodies, however, comfort becomes even more important.  Gifts like cozy clothes, socks, blankets, or heating pads are wonderful options for this.

Check out more cozy chronic illness gift ideas here.

5. bring the fun

As we head into the cold and dark, the gift of fun becomes more and more meaningful.  Think about activities that put a smile on their face.  Do they love crafting? Board games? Romantic dinners with their partner?  You could get a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant or store.  Or, even better, buy the materials or ingredients needed for a fun activity and put them in a festive basket or gift box!  Think about what barriers they may face when going out, and see if you can help.  This could be something simple like a card offering a free night of babysitting.  Or if they have difficulty getting out because of being tied to medical gear, feeding tubes, or infusions, you could get a Mighty Pack to give them the freedom to get out with confidence.  Whatever route you choose, giving the gift of fun will create memories that they will cherish!

Do you or a loved one have chronic illness?  What gifts are you looking for this season?  Join the conversation in our Friends in the Fight facebook group!

The post 5 Gift Ideas for Your Friends With Chronic Illness appeared first on Mighty Well.

4 Tips for a Safe and Accessible Halloween

The air feels crisp and leaves rustle in the wind.  Store windows and neighborhood displays remind us that spooky season is here!  Seasonal changes and holidays give us the opportunity to slow down, take stock, and come to terms with what is to come.  Halloween is a chance to have fun in whimsical ways as the whole community opens their doors and ventures outside together.

As we prepare for this night of communal fun, here are some tips for keeping it safe and accessible for everyone in your community:

Mighty Well | Mighty Well Mask | reusable, everyday face mask | anti-microbial mask | mask with nose clip | anti-odor mask | KIDS size

1. mask up

Many communities saw spikes in COVID after Halloween last year.  Getting out and having fun is so important for our wellbeing, especially as we prepare for winter.  But with the Delta variant active in many places, taking safety precautions now will help prevent another spike in the future. The good news is, we know how to stay safe!  Get outdoors for trick-or-treating and parties.  Stay socially distanced and masked if indoors.  If you’re offering candy to neighborhood kids, make hand sanitizer available and come up with a fun delivery system that keeps its distance, such as hanging candy pouches from a spider’s web or a decorating a six foot chute.

Find the right mask to fit your costume here!

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

2. sensory friendly 

When decorating your house for trick-or-treaters, you want it to feel fun, festive, and spooky.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t be inclusive!  Limit flashing lights so people prone to seizures can be safe.  To include people with Autism or other sensory issues, avoid loud noises and fog machines.  And whether you’re decorating a house or enjoying a seasonal latte, please remember that many folks — with sensory issues, allergies, migraines, etc. — are badly affected by strong spice smells.  If you enjoy them, great!  But make sure to allow space for others to move through the world without interacting with your scents. 

Check out more sensory friendly Halloween tips here.

Photo by Davies Designs Studio on Unsplash

3. thoughtful treats

While candy may be easy and the expected treat, it can also leave out people with allergies or other dietary restrictions.  Consider having a stock of treats free from common allergens like nuts and dairy.  You can also provide non-edible treats like glow sticks and other decorations.  Not only are these enjoyable for people with allergies or feeding tubes, but they add variety and help the festivities last longer!

If you do make your set-up an allergy-friendly stoop, leaving out a blue pumpkin decoration will let folks know!  

More on blue pumpkins here.

MW - Toothless 1.jpg

4. adaptive costumes

Each year, more costume retailers are coming up with adaptive options!  We love to see these innovations, with access for feeding tubes and strategic openings for easy dressing.  Wheelchair costumes are especially exciting, as they remind us how wonderful mobility devices can be!  You can find adaptive costumes at Target, Pottery Barn,, or get inspiration for a DIY costume at

And while we’re on the topic of accessibility, consider setting up your treat station at the bottom of any steps or narrow paths to be inclusive of wheelchair users others with mobility issues.

Whatever the festivities look like for you and your family, we wish you a safe and spooky Halloween!

The post 4 Tips for a Safe and Accessible Halloween appeared first on Mighty Well.

What Patients Want to Know About Their PICC Line

PICC lines, and the treatments they make possible, can be the turning point for patients.  Starting out with your first PICC line, however, can be nerve-wracking.  Patients need to grapple with a slew of emotions, acceptance that a visible medical device is necessary, and the anxiety that often accompanies new procedures.  Providers can make a world of difference by helping patients feel confident going into the procedure.  We’ve chatted with patients and providers about what information is the most helpful before procedure day:


As mundane as it may seem, knowing the simple details about where to go, what it will look like, and what to wear can go a long way.  Let the patient know ahead of time where the appointment will take place, any tips for not getting lost, and people or equipment they might encounter once they get there.  Estimate how long the actual procedure will take (roughly 20 minutes), as well as how long they should expect to be in the hospital in total (likely an hour).  Remind them to wear comfortable clothes, especially a top they can easily maneuver with a fresh PICC line.  This will all help them feel grounded in familiar detail and feel prepared with specific action steps.

Details of the procedure itself

Nothing frightens us quite like the unknown.  If we can’t picture what a procedure will look like, our brains will fill the gaps with much scarier versions.  Walk through what happens step-by-step, dispelling any unnerving myths.  For example, make it clear that no needles will remain in their arm and that the catheter is thin and very flexible.  Any visuals you can offer, such as diagrams, 3D models, or even a sample of the tube itself, will make the expectations more realistic and tangible, and therefore less scary.

Will it hurt?

The number one worry patients have is pain.  Be sure to let them know their arm will be numbed (by a very thin needle) and that it is up to them to communicate if they feel pain at any point.  Many patients, in the moment, will feel uncomfortable speaking up if something hurts or feels scary.  Asking them directly to provide this helpful feedback will empower them to feel more in control of the situation, and may decrease their likelihood of pushing through unnecessary pain.

Next steps

Patients also want to know what to expect after leaving the hospital.  Any examples of what they may experience — soreness, swelling, potential complications — as well as what to do in each case, will allow them to feel able to handle whatever comes next.  Make sure they know the plan for going home: when their first nurse visit should take place, what they should and shouldn’t do while the arm heals, etc.  It can be helpful, as well, to share some specific details.  For example, let them know that it may take some time to find the right dressing products, and that they should speak up if itching or other discomfort occurs.  Let them know about different PICC line cover options as well, so that they have time to purchase products ahead of time.

If your patients have used Mighty Well’s PICCPerfect PICC line covers, you know the benefits — they are antimicrobial, prevent irritation, keep everything in place, and reduce unnecessary dressing changes.

Interested in learning more about the PICCPerfect® Pro Garment-based Secondary Catheter Securement?  Reach out here and we’ll be in touch!

Armed with the right information, specific next steps, and the best gear for comfort and protection, patients can go into a PICC placement feeling ready and confident!

The post What Patients Want to Know About Their PICC Line appeared first on Mighty Well.

4 Ways to Prepare for a PICC Line Placement

Going into a medical procedure is always a little scary. The best way to minimize fear and anxiety is to go in as prepared as you can! If you are feeling nervous about an upcoming PICC line placement procedure, here are some confidence-boosting tips for feeling ready to go:

1. Know what to expect

The unknown is a scary place. The more you can picture what the procedure will look and feel like, the less daunting it will seem. Talk to patients who’ve been there before and listen to their experiences.  Don’t know anyone who’s had a PICC line? No worries! There are plenty of support groups available (our Friends in the Fight Facebook group has plenty of PICC veterans who are always happy to share their stories and support fellow patients!) and blogs you can read. You can also ask your doctor and other providers to talk you through it in detail until you feel more comfortable.  

For now, know that the procedure itself shouldn’t hurt (they numb your arm with an ultra-thin needle, just like at the dentist), and the catheter itself is tiny — about the width and flexibility of fresh spaghetti!

Read more about what happens during the PICC line placement procedure here!

2. Make the most of your prep appointment

Let’s face it, while we may go into doctor visits with the best of intentions, most of the time we leave and realize we never asked that question and don’t remember half of what the doctor said. This is normal!  Visits can feel stressful or rushed and our brains tend to not do their best under pressure — unless we prepare ahead of time! 

You will likely have an appointment scheduled ahead of your placement procedure to go over PICC-related information with your providers. Before you go in, there are steps you can take to make sure you get the information you need:

  • Write down a list of questions ahead of time, when you feel relaxed and relatively clear-headed.  Bring this list with you!
  • Bring a pad and pencil to write down important information (and the answers to your questions) and don’t be afraid to ask for informational handouts or a print-out of the visit notes. If you are someone who benefits from visuals, ask to see some! Doctors often have pictures or 3D models of the procedure available.
  • Get there early — you are more likely to have a clear head and less likely to feel rushed if you arrive early and have time to settle in.
  • Consider bringing an advocate — someone to ask probing questions, take notes, and have your back if needed — to the appointment. If that’s not an option, try to schedule a phone call with a trusted support person after the appointment, so that you can debrief and talk through what you learned.  This may help it stick in your mind and will give you a chance to process any emotions that get stirred up.

More on making the most of doctor visits here!

A Friend in the Fight™ showing off their PICCPerfect PICC line cover!

3. Know what to bring to your PICC placement

Your doctor should share these details in your prep appointment, but you’ll want to keep a few things in mind when getting ready for your PICC placement procedure. First, wear comfortable clothes, especially a top that is loose and can be easily removed with one hand. You will feel awkward and swollen after the procedure. Rest easier knowing you can get into PJs without complication.  

Secondly, have PICC line covers ready to go — a comfortable protective sleeve (like the PICCPerfect PICC Line Cover here) not only keeps your tender skin feeling more comfortable, it also keeps everything covered up and securely in place; this will help reduce complications like infection, dislodgement, and unplanned dressing changes. The hospital will typically provide something to temporarily cover your PICC line, but bringing a PICC line cover allows you to ask the nurse questions about how to use it. You may also want to ask your doctor ahead of time if they prescribe PICCPerfect Pro sleeves — if so, you can get them covered by insurance!

Finally, bring with you the confidence to speak up during the procedure! The radiologist (or whoever places your catheter) will check in periodically, and they want to know how you’re feeling — honestly.  For example, numbing the arm can take longer for some patients than others. If they ask you if your arm is numb, be honest! The procedure should be painless, but only you can know how it feels. If you start to feel pain, discomfort, or anxiety at any time, don’t hesitate to tell your team. They can make it feel better, but only if they know something’s wrong.

Click here for Your First PICC Line: What to expect?

4. Be ready for the first week post PICC placement

The initial procedure may feel daunting, but it really only takes about 20 minutes to insert a catheter.  You’ll want to make sure that you have enough support in place once you get home. Your arm will be numb at first, and then sore and swollen for a few days. You may need to spend time icing the area and won’t be able to use your arm fully right away. You will also need to meet with your home care nurse for dressing changes and to learn how to take care of your PICC line. Add to all of this the emotions that can come from receiving new medical devices and treatments… all in all, it’s going to be a weird week.  Well in advance, reach out for support. If you can, take time off from work, school, or other regular activities. Find extra help with childcare or pets. Ask someone if they can come over to help with meal prep or just talk when you feel emotionally vulnerable. Learn about how to manage pain if it does pop up. As much of this that you can get lined up in advance, the less stressful your first week will feel.  

After that, when your swelling and soreness are gone, you feel more comfortable with your PICC line, and you’ve processed some emotions, you can ease back into your usual routine. But the more support you set up for the first week, the quicker you will return to normal life. And yes, you can still live a normal life with a PICC! This is just a step your body needs to get the right treatment and find healing. ♡

Got more questions about PICCs or Ports?  Check out our Educational Hub for more information.

Living with illness and disability can be isolating. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be. Sign up below to be in the know on our latest product and content releases, exclusive offers, and community events.

Shop the PICCPerfect® PICC Line Cover

The post 4 Ways to Prepare for a PICC Line Placement appeared first on Mighty Well.

Launch of a New Product Line: Secondary Catheter Securement Device

Mighty Well creates comfortable as well as functional apparel and accessories for people living with medical devices, such as PICCs, midline catheters, infusion chest ports, and feeding tubes.  Mighty Well uses innovative fabric and closure technologies so patients can protect their medical devices — thus reducing healthcare costs and improving patient outcomes.  We are excited to share that Mighty Well is now an FDA-registered designer of medical wearable products!

Our latest product launch is the PICCPerfect® Pro – Secondary Catheter Securement Device (Patent Pending).  This product has been requested by doctors and nurses from top US hospitals, including Boston’s Children’s Hospital and Mass General Hospital, to address two common issues:

  • unscheduled dressing changes – dressings become damaged, requiring nurses to replace PICC dressings ahead of schedule and increasing costs for the hospital
  • dislodgement – catheters become dislodged due to patient activity which can be dangerous to the patient and require additional care at the hospital

These issues are costly, decrease patient satisfaction, and can impact patient health and safety.

More on the importance of auditing catheter dislodgement here.

The PICCPerfect® Pro was designed to bring your patients comfort and dignity, and may help prevent dressing issues and catheter migration through its many great features:

  • patented fabric — antimicrobial, anti-odor, moisture-wicking, and incredibly soft
  • double-layer design — protects dressing changes and keeps PICC from touching patients’ sensitive skin
  • variety of sizes and colors — for comfort, style, and confidence
  • three access sites — for single, double or triple lumens to increase versatility 
  • adjustable velcro strap — for added security

Interested in how this product could improve care for your patients?  Reach out to Mighty Well at to inquire about getting PICCPerfect® Pro in your hospital. 

Check out the PICCPerfect® Pro on our website for more features and information!

The post Launch of a New Product Line: Secondary Catheter Securement Device appeared first on Mighty Well.

Mighty Well Staff Picks

As a patient-owned company, we at Mighty Well create products that we believe in! Curious what our favorites are?  We asked each member of our team what their go-to product was and why.  Check out their picks below:

Want to get to know us better?  Click here to learn more about our passionate team.


creative director

I have literally every color of the Mighty Well Mask and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wear another type now that I’ve tried it. Not only are they soft and breathable, I genuinely think they’re so stylish! I have them all hanging on a hook near my door and love seeing what color looks best with my outfit before I head out for the day. My door hook is basically a modern-day Clueless outfit selector… but with masks. 


operations director

We are UNDEFEATED as a family!  This is our mantra and we love it when people ask us about our tees and caps. My husband, Khaled, was ashamed of his hydrocephalus scars until we found the Friends in the Fight community! Now, he shows them off proudly, or wears his Undefeated cap as a reminder of what we’ve overcome as a family.


communications & influencer relations

Oh gosh- this is a toss up for me! As someone living with a PICC line, I love the PICCPerfect PICC line cover because it makes me feel safe and secure to continue living my life despite a tube being attached to my arm! 

I also absolutely adore the Mighty Well Mask.  I do not leave my house much, but have to leave the house at least once a week for IVIG infusions. I feel confident and safe in my Mighty Well Mask due to the antimicrobial fabric. I also bought a Mighty Well Mask for every nurse at my infusion suite- and they love them too!


co-founder & chief brand officer

My favorite Mighty Well products are the ones that get me through treatments!  The Cocoon Cardigan is so cozy and makes it easy to discreetly access my infusion sites, whether a PICC or port, with privacy, comfort, and style.  The PICCPerfect PICC Line Cover has kept me safe through years of treatments, helping me avoid complications like dislodgement, infection, and painfully chafed skin.  I will always have a soft spot for the PICCPerfect, our very first product, since it helped me regain confidence in my early years of illness, and brought me, Maria, and Yousef together to create this incredible community!


content & community manager

The Self Care Case, although not the product I use most often, is probably my favorite. I use it when traveling or even just going out for the day.  I used to get so frustrated trying to pack all of my illness gear into a purse or backpack.  Or — heaven forbid — trying to organize it for both TSA and the days of adventure that follow!  I could never find things when I needed them.  With the Self Care Case, I can keep all my meds organized, even my pesky liquid vials that take up space and have to be kept out of direct light!  I can store snacks, EpiPens, doctors’ notes, sun screen, topical treatments, a mini spray bottle for when it gets hot… honestly, sometimes I feel like Mary Poppins, with the number of things I can store in there!

What’s your favorite Mighty Well product? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or join the conversation in our Friends in the Fight facebook group!

The post Mighty Well Staff Picks appeared first on Mighty Well.

Decorating Your Fluid Motion Backpack

The Fluid Motion Backpack — the first medical backpack designed by patients, for patients — was created out of a specific need.  Carrying and organizing complex medical supplies can add unnecessary stress to patients’ lives.  We’ve got your back with the backpack’s highly functional pockets and reinforcement for ice packs and sharps.  Our Friends in the Fight have found so many uses for this accessory, whether administering tube feeds and infusions, organizing diabetes equipment on the go, or simply having adventures.

This backpack has changed my life. I am so glad to finally have a backpack that can carry all of my supplies, plus my normal everyday carry.” 

This is the best made feeding tube backpack I have yet to see. It is made of high quality materials, lots of space for TPN, or 1200mls feedings and pump. I love all the slots for syringes, gauze, tape, etc. The straps are also very cushiony and comfortable. It also has a slot for a laptop!”

This bag has given me so much peace of mind. I now have my emergency meds near me any time I need them, leaving the house is just a matter of throwing my feeds in and rolling out.

Everything I need to leave the house when infusing fits in this bag! I also really like the flat bottom to the backpack so it stands on its own instead of tipping over. The inside that is resistant to needle stabs is also so helpful. This bag is everything I’ve been looking for!

It gives me self confidence. It’s amazing. Every detail is better than any other backpack I’ve had.

Because Mighty Well also believes in style as a way to empower our personalities to shine through our illness experiences, we also designed the Fluid Motion Backpack to be sleek and classy.  It fits with any outfit, but has also been to the runway!  Being versatile also makes the Pack easy to customize.  Add your own style and pizzazz through pins, patches, buttons, and keychains!  The black canvas lets your personality take the spotlight.  We love seeing how each of our Friends has spruced up their Fluid Motion Backpack to make it their own:

How have you decorated your medical gear?  We’d love to hear about it in our Friends in the Fight facebook group!

The post Decorating Your Fluid Motion Backpack appeared first on Mighty Well.

Making the Invisible Visible

The best part of working at a small patient-owned business is getting to create the products that we wish we’d had ourselves!  When COVID-19 first hit, I found myself wishing I had a way to tell everyone around me, even strangers on the street, the truth that they could not see: that I am more at risk of contracting the coronavirus and that, despite my young age and appearance of health, it would likely leave me with permanent damage.  

Since shouting this fact at strangers is not in fact socially acceptable, I instead came up with a way to silently share my health status — and so the immunocompromised sticker was born!

The success of these products is due to the invisible nature of many illnesses and disabilities.  In some ways it’s a gift to be able to blend into the world, to hide what makes our lives challenging.  But some days, it would be nice to not have to explain why we need accommodations or why our experience is different, just because those looking at us can’t imagine anything is wrong.  Which got me thinking, what about invisible illness and disability would I like to make visible, other than my immune status?  I posed this question to our Friends in the Fight community and was immediately flooded with responses.  Fatigue, pain, trauma, brain fog, food allergies and other triggers were some of the common themes shared, as well as more specific messages:

It takes so much effort to appear normal

I may respond differently than you expect because I have autism

Please offer me a seat! 

Please speak slowly — my brain is on vacation today 

Just because I don’t always need a wheelchair doesn’t mean my paralysis isn’t real… 

These are such universal experiences for those of us with invisible illnesses, as evidenced by the many products from spoonie shops (like this one) created for just this purpose!  

What would you like to see on a shirt, hat, or pin?  Come join the conversation in our Friends in the Fight Facebook group!

The post Making the Invisible Visible appeared first on Mighty Well.